Non-smokingADDITIONAL PASSENGER DATA 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Basic EconomyBE//059/C/CHANGEABLE TICKET//056/D/REFUNDABLE TICKET//0G6/D/PRIORITY BOARDING//0B5/C/PRE-RESERVED SEAT ASSIGNMENT//058/D/UPGRADE ELIGIBILITY//057/F/MILEAGE ACCRUAL//0MU/D/CARRY ON UP TO 45 LI 115 LCM//PSL/F/PERSONAL ITEM 9 IN X 10 IN X 17 IN//PQC/D/PREMIUM QUALIFYING CREDIT//GHC/C/GATE CHECKED BAG HANDLING CHARGE//04D/N/ECONOMY TO ECONOMY PLUS//04E/N/ECONOMY PLUS TO BUSINESS//EPS/D/ECONOMY PLUS//0CC/C/CHECKED FIRST BAG//0CD/C/SECOND BAG//Our lowest available fare with options to customize travel and without the restrictions of Basic Economy. Benefits include: - Personal item - Carry on - Mileage accrual • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Our lowest available fare with options to customize travel and without the restrictions of Basic Economy. Benefits include: - Personal item - Carry on - Mileage accrual • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Basic Economy on bagsTaking bags on boardCarry on one bag max 45 inches.Carry on one bag max 45 inches.Carry on bagsCarry bagsFirst checked bagChecked bags1x23kg1x23kgFirst checked bagY,1,23,BagGate check handling chargeTry to check in your bags before arriving at the gateGate check handling chargeGtBagChrgSecond bagCheck in your bags for extra convenienceSecond bagSecond bagSecond bagSecondBagPersonal itemTaking bags on boardPersonal Item (9 in x 10 in x 17 in) that can fit under the seat in front of you.Personal Item (9 in x 10 in x 17 in) that can fit under the seat in front of you.Personal itemSmlBGMileage accrualEarn and saveMileage accrualMilesRebookingMaking changes to your reservationRebookingRebookingPremium qualifying creditEarn and savePremium qualifying creditPremCrdtRefundCancelling your reservationRefundsRefundsRefundRefundEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesSeat assignmentPre reserve your preferred seatPlease note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Seat assignmentSeatingMeals and BeveragesWiFiPriority boardingBeat the queues at the airportPriority boardingPriorityEconomy Plus To BusinessUpgrade to a higher level of serviceEconomy Plus To BusinessUpgradeEPtEconomy to Economy Plus UpgradeUpgrade to a higher level of serviceEconomy to Economy Plus UpgradeUPgradeY,1,X,X,CY - W22,H35,L56,CMY,1,KG,23,BAGY,1,KG,23,BAGYTO UA NYC 171.00TNA2A0BA CAD171.00END100.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/UA0PBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMUPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM1PCARRY ON HAND BAGGAGERATE USED IN EQU TOTAL IS BSR 1CAD - 0.72616839USDLAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 05JUN24TICKETING AGENCY 8R75DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER UAE-TKT REQUIREDTICKETING FEES MAY APPLYGFB10101ADT00 01TNA2A0BA 010001#GFB200010101NADTV3040JVBA0010003199#GFMCEOU013NJVBA UA 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EconomyECONOMY//059/F/CHANGEABLE TICKET//056/D/REFUNDABLE TICKET//0G6/C/PRIORITY BOARDING//0B5/F/PRE-RESERVED SEAT ASSIGNMENT//058/C/UPGRADE ELIGIBILITY//057/F/MILEAGE ACCRUAL//0MU/F/CARRY ON UP TO 45 LI 115 LCM//PSL/F/PERSONAL ITEM 9 IN X 10 IN X 17 IN//PQC/F/PREMIUM QUALIFYING CREDIT//GHC/N/GATE CHECKED BAG HANDLING CHARGE//04D/C/ECONOMY TO ECONOMY PLUS//04E/N/ECONOMY PLUS TO BUSINESS//EPS/C/ECONOMY PLUS//0CC/C/CHECKED FIRST BAG//0CD/C/SECOND BAG//Our lowest available fare with options to customize travel and without the restrictions of Economy. Benefits include: - Seat selection at booking, if seats are available - Eligible to change ticket. - Eligible to request a same-day change. - Carry on bag • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Our lowest available fare with options to customize travel and without the restrictions of Economy. Benefits include: - Seat selection at booking, if seats are available - Eligible to change ticket. - Eligible to request a same-day change. - Carry on bag • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Economy on bagsTaking bags on boardCarry on one bag max 45 inches.Carry on one bag max 45 inches.Carry on bagsCarry bagsFirst checked bagChecked bags1x23kg1x23kgFirst checked bagY,1,23,BagSecond bagCheck in your bags for extra convenienceSecond bagSecond bagSecond bagSecondBagGate check handling chargeTry to check in your bags before arriving at the gateGate check handling chargeGtBagChrgPersonal itemTaking bags on boardPersonal Item (9 in x 10 in x 17 in) that can fit under the seat in front of you.Personal Item (9 in x 10 in x 17 in) that can fit under the seat in front of you.Personal itemSmlBGMileage accrualEarn and saveMileage accrualMilesPremium qualifying creditEarn and savePremium qualifying creditPremCrdtRebookingMaking changes to your reservationRebookingRebookingEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomEconomy Plus Extra Leg RoomUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesRefundCancelling your reservationRefundsRefundsRefundRefundSeat assignmentPre reserve your preferred seatPlease note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Seat assignmentSeatingMeals and BeveragesWiFiPriority boardingBeat the queues at the airportPriority boardingPriorityEconomy to Economy Plus UpgradeUpgrade to a higher level of serviceEconomy to Economy Plus UpgradeUPgradeEconomy Plus To BusinessUpgrade to a higher level of serviceEconomy Plus To BusinessUpgradeEPtY,1,X,X,CY - W22,H35,L56,CMY,1,KG,23,BAGY,1,KG,23,BAGYTO UA NYC 196.00TNA2A0TG CAD196.00END0.00100.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/UA0PBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMUPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM1PCARRY ON HAND BAGGAGEGFB10101ADT00 01TNA2A0TG 010001#GFB200010101NADTV3040JVTG0010003599#GFMCSIP013NJVTG UA ADTTNA2A0TG