Taxes returned at the FareInfo level are for informational purposes only, and may differ from those returned at the Itinerary/Passenger Type levels.VISTARAMealNon-smoking6UUVoSldxwgDwZkQYro+DMbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovAxSSc2iZATDNNAF/izIfuYdfHMK8e3nzhtDlt4DAYtBjkaZYOT1hA3tSD5QULEHOHR3HY4DxheHZuKSlgjFqtMaB+Wn0m4UKVDvQIlbeGa6Ahf6E18cRejF6+WRr8tqYPPqYvJ8trGakdBAjnYwuYaRW8vSBNa8ZUmwC02UUzMsnD9oxNonvnW5jUYKwn3gW9DIZ2R25yCzfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDHzQapDbCAMr/TUGWlPDKj6v0aMBFljDuP9NE5OQYAbQx30Z6sDvCVR2nmXfnmvVMQKjTjdTfRhGNYGtwTXC7BL0=Economy StandardECOYS//0B5/F/PRE RESERVED SEAT ASSIGNMENT//0BX/F/LOUNGEACCESS//0B3/F/MEAL SERVICES//0LF/F/PRIORITYBAGGAGE//0G6/F/PRIORITY BOARDING//0BW/F/PRIORITYCHECK IN//068/Z/CHANGE ANYTIME//06K/Z/REFUND BEFORE DEPARTURE//06L/Z/REFUNDAFTERDEPARTURE//058/Z/UPGRADE ELIGIBILITY//0M3/F/HANDBAGGAGE 7KG//0ML/F/EXCESS HAND BAGGAGE5KG//0GT/F/BAGGAGE UPTO 15KG//Economy Standard • Complimentary beverages on board • Complimentary meal on board • 15kg checked-in baggage allowance • 7kg hand baggage allowance • Free seat selection, except emergency exit seats • Changes permitted at a charge • Cancellation subject to a charge • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Standard • Complimentary beverages on board • Complimentary meal on board • 15kg checked-in baggage allowance • 7kg hand baggage allowance • Free seat selection, except emergency exit seats • Changes permitted at a charge • Cancellation subject to a charge • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Regular fares in Economy Class baggage max 15kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 15kgMax 15kgChecked baggage max 15kgHoldBagHand baggage 7kgTaking bags on boardMax 7kgMax 7kgHand baggage 7kgHandBagExcess hand baggage 5kgTaking your bags on boardPurchase an additional 5kg hand baggage if needed.Purchase an additional 5kg hand baggage if needed.Excess hand baggage 5kgXHandBgge1 Pc Up To 15Kg1 Pc Up To 15Kg1 Pc Up To 15KgChecked baggage max 20kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceChecked baggage max 20kgHoldBagsChecked baggage max 35kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 35kgMax 35kgChecked baggage max 35kgHoldBagChecked baggage max 40kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 40kgMax 40kgChecked baggage max 40kgHoldBagExcess checked baggage 26 to 30kgExtra baggage as requiredExcess checked baggage 26 to 30kgXbagsExcess hand baggage 2kgExtra baggage on boardExcess hand baggage 2kgXbags2KgHand baggage 10kgTaking bags on boardMax 10kgMax 10kgHand baggage 10kgHandBagHand baggage 12kgTaking bags on boardMax 12kgMax 12kgHand baggage 12kgHandBagUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesChange anytimeMaking changes to your reservationChange anytimeChangesRefund after departureCancelling your reservation after departureRefund after departureRefundsRefund before departureCancelling your reservation before departureRefund before departureRefundsbefPriority ServicesVistara Select SeatingYour preferred choice of seatA window seat for the perfect view or an aisle seat for added comfort, choose your preferred seat with Vistara Select!A window seat for the perfect view or an aisle seat for added comfort, choose your preferred seat with Vistara Select!Vistara Select SeatingSeatingMeal servicesOn board cateringMEAL SERVICESMEAL SERVICESMeal servicesMealsVideo GamesLounge accessSomewhere quiet to work or relaxLounge accessLoungesPriority boardingBoard the aircraft with priorityPriority boardingPrioBoardPriority check inCheck in at a seperate exclusive zonePriority check inPrioCheckPriority baggage handlingYour bags delivered with priorityPriority baggage handlingPrioBagsWellbeingY,1,KG,15,BAGY,1,KG,7,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMY,1,KG,5,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMY,X,KG,20,BAGP,X,KG,35,BAGJ,X,KG,40,BAGY,X,KG,26,BAGY,X,KG,2,CYP,1,KG,10,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMJ,X,KG,12,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMAMD UK DEL Q50 3819VL1PYS/YS INR3869ENDUSD30.00USD36.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/UK15KBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCECHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE7KCHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCECHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCERATE USED IN EQU TOTAL IS BSR 1INR - 0.012031USDLAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 28SEP23TICKETING AGENCY 8R75DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER UKFARE HAS A PLATING CARRIER RESTRICTIONE-TKT REQUIREDTICKETING FEES MAY APPLYGFB10101ADT00 01VL1PYS YS 010001#GFB200010101NADTV3302IN100030002199I#GFMCER 302NIN10 UK ADTVL1PYS6UUVoSldxwgDwZkQYro+DMbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovAxSSc2iZATDNNAF/izIfuYdfHMK8e3nzhr8Pfbco2J4Wl9+zAViJSFFSD5QULEHOHR3HY4DxheHZaFJlr+V7eLyB+Wn0m4UKVDvQIlbeGa6Ahf6E18cRejF6+WRr8tqYPPqYvJ8trGakdBAjnYwuYaRW8vSBNa8ZUmwC02UUzMsnD9oxNonvnW6IbjngqVETDAIfcManH0GYv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDHzQapDbCAMr/TUGWlPDKj6v0aMBFljDuP9NE5OQYAbQx30Z6sDvCVR2nmXfnmvVMQKjTjdTfRhGNYGtwTXC7BL0=Economy FlexiECOYF//0B5/F/PRE RESERVED SEAT ASSIGNMENT//0BX/F/LOUNGEACCESS//0B3/F/MEAL SERVICES//0LF/F/PRIORITYBAGGAGE//0G6/F/PRIORITY BOARDING//0BW/F/PRIORITYCHECK IN//068/Z/CHANGE ANYTIME//06K/Z/REFUND BEFORE DEPARTURE//06L/Z/REFUNDAFTERDEPARTURE//058/Z/UPGRADE ELIGIBILITY//0M3/F/HANDBAGGAGE 7KG//0ML/F/EXCESS HAND BAGGAGE5KG//0LX/F/BAGGAGE UPTO 20KG//Economy Flexi • Complimentary beverages on board • Complimentary meal on board • 20kg checked-in baggage allowance • 7kg hand baggage allowance • Free seat selection, except emergency exit seats • One free change up to 7 days of departure, charges apply thereafter • Free cancellation up to 7 days before departure, charges apply thereafter • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Flexi • Complimentary beverages on board • Complimentary meal on board • 20kg checked-in baggage allowance • 7kg hand baggage allowance • Free seat selection, except emergency exit seats • One free change up to 7 days of departure, charges apply thereafter • Free cancellation up to 7 days before departure, charges apply thereafter • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.The flexible Economy Class fare baggage max 20kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceChecked baggage max 20kgHoldBagsHand baggage 7kgTaking bags on boardMax 7kgMax 7kgHand baggage 7kgHandBagExcess hand baggage 5kgTaking your bags on boardPurchase an additional 5kg hand baggage if needed.Purchase an additional 5kg hand baggage if needed.Excess hand baggage 5kgXHandBgge1 Pc Up To 15Kg1 Pc Up To 15Kg1 Pc Up To 15KgChecked baggage max 15kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 15kgMax 15kgChecked baggage max 15kgHoldBagChecked baggage max 35kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 35kgMax 35kgChecked baggage max 35kgHoldBagChecked baggage max 40kgCheck in your bags for extra convenienceMax 40kgMax 40kgChecked baggage max 40kgHoldBagExcess checked baggage 26 to 30kgExtra baggage as requiredExcess checked baggage 26 to 30kgXbagsExcess hand baggage 2kgExtra baggage on boardExcess hand baggage 2kgXbags2KgHand baggage 10kgTaking bags on boardMax 10kgMax 10kgHand baggage 10kgHandBagHand baggage 12kgTaking bags on boardMax 12kgMax 12kgHand baggage 12kgHandBagChange anytimeMaking changes to your reservationChange anytimeChangesRefund before departureCancelling your reservation before departureRefund before departureRefundsbefUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesRefund after departureCancelling your reservation after departureRefund after departureRefundsPriority ServicesVistara Select SeatingYour preferred choice of seatA window seat for the perfect view or an aisle seat for added comfort, choose your preferred seat with Vistara Select!A window seat for the perfect view or an aisle seat for added comfort, choose your preferred seat with Vistara Select!Vistara Select SeatingSeatingMeal servicesOn board cateringMEAL SERVICESMEAL SERVICESMeal servicesMealsVideo GamesLounge accessSomewhere quiet to work or relaxLounge accessLoungesPriority boardingBoard the aircraft with priorityPriority boardingPrioBoardPriority check inCheck in at a seperate exclusive zonePriority check inPrioCheckPriority baggage handlingYour bags delivered with priorityPriority baggage handlingPrioBagsWellbeingY,X,KG,20,BAGY,1,KG,7,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMY,1,KG,5,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMY,1,KG,15,BAGP,X,KG,35,BAGJ,X,KG,40,BAGY,X,KG,26,BAGY,X,KG,2,CYP,1,KG,10,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMJ,X,KG,12,CY - W20,H40,L55,CMAMD UK DEL Q50 4770VL1PYF/YF INR4820ENDUSD30.00USD36.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/UK20KBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.CHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCECHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE7KCHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCECHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCEGFB10101ADT00 01VL1PYF YF 010001#GFB200010101NADTV3302IN100030002499I#GFMCER 302NIN10 UK ADTVL1PYF