Taxes returned at the FareInfo level are for informational purposes only, and may differ from those returned at the Itinerary/Passenger Type levels.IndiGoFoodForPurchaseNon-smokingAir FranceBreakfastSnackOrBrunchDuty Free SalesIn-seat Video Player/LibraryNon-smokingAir FranceMealSnackOrBrunchDuty Free SalesIn-seat Video Player/LibraryNon-smokingADDITIONAL PASSENGER DATA REQUIRED6UUVoSldxwjWU7aYgmeIocbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA1ZTcKN+DZsvxWa1uaqI55k3aSkvhp2ybZK2hWxwkJGV0nxr8W6MfdzAyGqh8JIaqLu3qyJFjMBVbHBsrUlCNAiHOIOxFFgwROr/bRGkSYBeVvL0gTWvGVKnsahilB5/WA8ZnL4BPv3TSfamdvcT+sRoqmGrwBJ3uRdBMIWWcywWTicpvYbmY4VI06AxoYg87C0r/9F6tr3Tir5wkVQHOuKXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dc3mNX1GvOry3EdbqPPDZRr2QFwD3/qYpGw6vzc3HGU1Q61URYOHGle5f5u0G60EiB6Hi/dumbig=Economy LightbagLIGHTBAG//0C3/F/UPTO50LB 23KG BAGGAGE////0FK/N/UPTO70LB 32KG AND62LI 158LCM////0MR/F/CARRY 12KG 26LB UPTO45LI 115LCM////0MS/N/CARRY 18KG 40LB UPTO45LI 115LCM////05Z/N/PREMIUM SEAT////06A/F/25 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06B/N/50 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06D/N/100 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06H/N/250 PERCENT MILES EARNED////07G/N/PRIORITY SERVICES////07H/N/STAND BY////050/C/BASIC SEAT////056/D/REFUNDABLE TICKET////058/C/UPGRADE ELIGIBILIY////059/C/CHANGEABLE TICKET////0AT/F/SNACK////0AX/F/BEVERAGE////0B3/F/MEAL 1////0BX/N/LOUNGE ACCESS//Economy LightbagChecked bag 1x23kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience1x23kg1x23kgChecked bag 1x23kgY,1,23,BagCabin bag 1x12kgTaking bags on board1x12kg (max 55 x 35 x 25cm).1x12kg (max 55 x 35 x 25cm).Cabin bag 1x12kgY,1,12,CYChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked bags 2x23kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience2x23kg2x23kgChecked bags 2x23kgP,2,23,BagChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked bag 3x32kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience3x32kg3x32kgChecked bag 3x32kgHoldBagsCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin bags max 18kgTaking bags on board2 bags max 18kg combined (max 55 x 35 x 25cm each).2 bags max 18kg combined (max 55 x 35 x 25cm each).Cabin bags max 18kgC,X,18,CYLight miles accrualEarn and saveLight miles accrualLgtMlsChoice of standard seatPre assign your preferred seatIf the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seating might be different.If the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seating might be different.Choice of standard seatSeatingUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesChangeable ticketMaking changes to your reservationChangeable ticketChangesBusiness Class miles accrualEarn and saveBusiness Class miles accrualBizMlsFlex miles accrualEarn and saveFlex miles accrualFlexMlsStandard miles accrualEarn and saveStandard miles accrualStndrdMlsSky priorityBeat the queues at the airportSky priorityPriorityRefundable ticketCancelling your reservationRefundable ticketRefundsPrivacy seatFor your extra space and comfortOn short haul routes in Business Class the neighbour seat is left free. On long haul routes in Business Class passengers enjoy lie flat beds (up to 2mtr in length), or in First Class enjoy the luxury of your own private suite (up to 2mtr in length). (May be a different product if the flight is operated by another airline).On short haul routes in Business Class the neighbour seat is left free. On long haul routes in Business Class passengers enjoy lie flat beds (up to 2mtr in length), or in First Class enjoy the luxury of your own private suite (up to 2mtr in length). (May be a different product if the flight is operated by another airline).Privacy seatPrivcySTGoShowGoShowOnce at the airport, on the day of your trip, you can take an earlier flight with Go Show.Once at the airport, on the day of your trip, you can take an earlier flight with Go Show.GoShowGoShowMealOn board cateringMealMealBeverageDrinks on board your flightBeverageBeverageSnackOn board cateringSnackSnackVideo GamesBusiness lounge accessSomewhere quiet to work or relaxBusiness lounge accessLoungesWellbeingY,1,KG,23,BAGY,1,KG,12,CY - W25,H35,L55,CMP,2,KG,23,BAGF,3,KG,32,BAGJ,X,KG,18,CY - W25,H35,L55,CMAMD AF X/BOM AF X/PAR AF YMQ 684.06TL50BARF NUC684.06END ROE82.287129USD200.00100.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/AF1PBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMUPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMBAGGAGE ALLOWANCE DATA NOT AVAILABLE1PUPTO26LB/12KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCM1PUPTO26LB/12KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCMRATE USED IN EQU TOTAL IS BSR 1INR - 0.012031USDLAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 26SEP23TICKETING AGENCY 8R75DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER AFFARE HAS A PLATING CARRIER RESTRICTIONE-TKT REQUIREDTICKETING FEES MAY APPLYGFB10101ADT00 01TL50BARF 03000100020003#GFB200010101NADTV3101E2LF00100001993333#GFMCERH101NE2LF AF ADTTL50BARF6UUVoSldxwjWU7aYgmeIocbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA1ZTcKN+DZsvxWa1uaqI55k3aSkvhp2ybUQS/ljH5mPt8n6Smxbs8brAyGqh8JIaqLu3qyJFjMBVNVGK9JfDQvmHOIOxFFgwROr/bRGkSYBeVvL0gTWvGVKnsahilB5/WA8ZnL4BPv3TjBAOGgRAG4b66YO+/+f61IB1xjSbRrjKTicpvYbmY4VI06AxoYg87J86JER3gNhWir5wkVQHOuKXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dc3mNX1GvOry3EdbqPPDZRr2QFwD3/qYpGw6vzc3HGU1q7ihYkczOpe5f5u0G60EiB6Hi/dumbig=Economy Standard3STANDARD3//0C3/N/UPTO50LB 23KG BAGGAGE////0FA/F/CHECKED BAG 2PC OF 23KG 158CM////0FK/N/UPTO70LB 32KG AND62LI 158LCM////0MR/F/CARRY 12KG 26LB UPTO45LI 115LCM////0MS/N/CARRY 18KG 40LB UPTO45LI 115LCM////05Z/N/PREMIUM SEAT////06A/N/25 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06B/F/50 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06D/N/100 PERCENT MILES EARNED////06H/N/250 PERCENT MILES EARNED////07G/N/PRIORITY SERVICES////07H/N/STAND BY////050/C/BASIC SEAT////056/D/REFUNDABLE TICKET////058/C/UPGRADE ELIGIBILIY////059/C/CHANGEABLE TICKET////0AT/F/SNACK////0AX/F/BEVERAGE////0B3/F/MEAL 1////0BX/N/LOUNGE ACCESS//Economy Standard3Checked bags 2x23kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience2x23kg2x23kgChecked bags 2x23kgP,2,23,BagCabin bag 1x12kgTaking bags on board1x12kg (max 55 x 35 x 25cm).1x12kg (max 55 x 35 x 25cm).Cabin bag 1x12kgY,1,12,CYChecked bag 1x23kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience1x23kg1x23kgChecked bag 1x23kgY,1,23,BagChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 1Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked Bag 2Pc Of 32Kg 158CmChecked bag 3x32kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience3x32kg3x32kgChecked bag 3x32kgHoldBagsCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin Baggage 12Kg 2Pc 115CmCabin bags max 18kgTaking bags on board2 bags max 18kg combined (max 55 x 35 x 25cm each).2 bags max 18kg combined (max 55 x 35 x 25cm each).Cabin bags max 18kgC,X,18,CYStandard miles accrualEarn and saveStandard miles accrualStndrdMlsChangeable ticketMaking changes to your reservationChangeable ticketChangesChoice of standard seatPre assign your preferred seatIf the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seating might be different.If the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seating might be different.Choice of standard seatSeatingUpgrade eligibilityUse your miles to upgradeUpgrade eligibilityUpgradesBusiness Class miles accrualEarn and saveBusiness Class miles accrualBizMlsFlex miles accrualEarn and saveFlex miles accrualFlexMlsLight miles accrualEarn and saveLight miles accrualLgtMlsSky priorityBeat the queues at the airportSky priorityPriorityRefundable ticketCancelling your reservationRefundable ticketRefundsPrivacy seatFor your extra space and comfortOn short haul routes in Business Class the neighbour seat is left free. On long haul routes in Business Class passengers enjoy lie flat beds (up to 2mtr in length), or in First Class enjoy the luxury of your own private suite (up to 2mtr in length). (May be a different product if the flight is operated by another airline).On short haul routes in Business Class the neighbour seat is left free. On long haul routes in Business Class passengers enjoy lie flat beds (up to 2mtr in length), or in First Class enjoy the luxury of your own private suite (up to 2mtr in length). (May be a different product if the flight is operated by another airline).Privacy seatPrivcySTGoShowGoShowOnce at the airport, on the day of your trip, you can take an earlier flight with Go Show.Once at the airport, on the day of your trip, you can take an earlier flight with Go Show.GoShowGoShowMealOn board cateringMealMealBeverageDrinks on board your flightBeverageBeverageSnackOn board cateringSnackSnackVideo GamesBusiness lounge accessSomewhere quiet to work or relaxBusiness lounge accessLoungesWellbeingP,2,KG,23,BAGY,1,KG,12,CY - W25,H35,L55,CMY,1,KG,23,BAGF,3,KG,32,BAGJ,X,KG,18,CY - W25,H35,L55,CMAMD AF X/BOM AF X/PAR AF YMQ 732.67TL50BBJF NUC732.67END ROE82.287129100.00100.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/AF2PBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMUPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMBAGGAGE ALLOWANCE DATA NOT AVAILABLE1PUPTO26LB/12KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCM1PUPTO26LB/12KG AND UPTO45LI/115LCMGFB10101ADT00 01TL50BBJF 03000100020003#GFB200010101NADTV3101E2SF00100001993333#GFMCXEX101NE2SF AF ADTTL50BBJF