Taxes returned at the FareInfo level are for informational purposes only, and may differ from those returned at the Itinerary/Passenger Type levels.Thai Airways Intl Public CO LtdMealMovieAudio ProgrammingNon-smokingAir CanadaMealBreakfastEntertainment on DemandIn-Seat Power SourceWi-FiLie-Flat seat businessNon-smokingADDITIONAL PASSENGER DATA REQUIRED6UUVoSldxwildMo+XsAoOMbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovAyz3Dz4vPKC6xWa1uaqI55k3aSkvhp2ybUwAV1pviDQ8DpTq5UVeqiMZZehcciAunOUnH5jz2u3OJMTaj7H8DTfvkV6Dv3xPqIX+hNfHEXox4li0Xv08Ldh+gtP0mgAqs/DH3OXPjTkCGfXz5ltic495KzcLdGM6DeDYEwnSo6Z1PLL9DnZA6Ij42/B72YocxWb9nuiobFoT5p4khzbfOh6/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfw42FXnSg17GXLmrFneovAxS75ALlD9D2MbKmL5teV5ZxTiKUFoQWqP0nibVSGZBqBwKVjwy7VJLkbAXySpCKIA==EconomyECONOMYANA Economy's benefits include: 1 x 10kg of carry-on luggage 2 X 23kg of free checked baggage Hot meals & complimentary drinks Inflight Entertainment *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. Pictures are for illustrations only. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service may be different to that described above.ANA Economy's benefits include: 1 x 10kg of carry-on luggage 2 X 23kg of free checked baggage Hot meals & complimentary drinks Inflight Entertainment *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. Pictures are for illustrations only. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service may be different to that described above.Sit back and enjoy the comfort in the sky. In BaggageGeneral Checked Baggage InformationFirst Class 3 X 32kg of free checked baggage Business Class 2 X 32kg of free checked-baggage Premium Economy Class / Economy Class 2 X 23kg of free checked baggage *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions."First Class 3 X 32kg of free checked baggage Business Class 2 X 32kg of free checked-baggage Premium Economy Class / Economy Class 2 X 23kg of free checked baggage *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions."Checked In BaggageChk BagBagBagAll Classes 1 x 10kg of carry-on luggage *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "All Classes 1 x 10kg of carry-on luggage *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "BagBagPrepaid Excess BaggagePrepaid Excess BaggageThis is a convenient service that allows you to pay additional charges in advance on the ANA website for baggage which exceeds the free checked baggage allowance. Make check-in smoother with no need to pay at the airport on the departure date. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions.This is a convenient service that allows you to pay additional charges in advance on the ANA website for baggage which exceeds the free checked baggage allowance. Make check-in smoother with no need to pay at the airport on the departure date. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions.Prepaid Excess BaggageExcess BagRefundRefundTicket Refund *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. **Depending on fare type, fees and conditions may differ. Refunds may not be permitted for certain fares.Ticket Refund *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. **Depending on fare type, fees and conditions may differ. Refunds may not be permitted for certain fares.RefundRefundRebookingRebookingRebooking Customers who made their purchase through a travel agency should contact the relevant agency.Rebooking Customers who made their purchase through a travel agency should contact the relevant agency.RebookingRebookingAdvanced Seat SelectionAdvanced Seat Selection *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. " *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "Advanced Seat SelectionSeatANA Inflight MealsEnjoy cuisine that goes beyond the realm of in-flight dining.We offer the cordial hospitality you would expect from a Japanese airline, a carefully planned menu and drinks, and various other services. Experience a more enjoyable journey in the skies. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "We offer the cordial hospitality you would expect from a Japanese airline, a carefully planned menu and drinks, and various other services. Experience a more enjoyable journey in the skies. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "ANA Inflight MealsMealsWiFiWiFiEnjoy a range of entertainment programs spanning a wide variety of genres as you please. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "Enjoy a range of entertainment programs spanning a wide variety of genres as you please. *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions. "WiFiWiFiY,2,KG,23,BAGJ,1,KG,10,CY6UUVoSldxwildMo+XsAoOMbKj3F8T9EyxsqPcXxP0TLGyo9xfE/RMsuWFfXVd1OAly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA5cuasWd6i8Dly5qxZ3qLwOXLmrFneovA0BcJv9+CvFsxWa1uaqI55k3aSkvhp2ybTg6wBoWGmSWp009X5ngGqkZZehcciAunPnctRbwGkV0duUMLK7igND0epWORetM6IX+hNfHEXox4li0Xv08Ldh+gtP0mgAqs9VblOlRGNfxvyKH/LgufbYZ1+mV1tFxq+DYEwnSo6Z1PLL9DnZA6IgleVsvnGULRWBbbLwQyQpI5p4khzbfOh6/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfv4Xvb2u1Qx+/he9va7VDH7+F729rtUMfw42FXnSg17GXLmrFneovA1eetvgUejD+OU3uZMyD02EGeskSLaBAzKCjQ3+/nPwkXa4AVsmqOLLKG8dIs3Hddg==LatitudeLT//05Z/F/PREFERRED SEAT//0BX/C/MAPLE LEAFLOUNGE//0B5/F/ADVANCE SEATSELECTION//0A2/F/EXCHANGEABLE//0A3/F/REFUNDABLE//03P/F/PRIORITY CHECK IN//0CC/F/1STBAGGAGE//0CD/F/2ND BAGGAGE//06A/N/25 PCT AEROPLANMILES//06B/N/50 PCT AEROPLAN MILES//06D/N/100 PCTAEROPLAN MILES//06R/F/125 PCT AEROPLANMILES//06M/N/150 PCT AEROPLANMILES//0AK/F/MEAL//0L5/F/CARRY ONBAGGAGE//0CL/C/WIFI ACCESSLatitude: - Check in two bags. - Changes or refunds permitted free of charge.Latitude: - Check in two bags. - Changes or refunds permitted free of charge.The fully flexible fare option baggage 1x23kgCheck in your bags for extra convenience1x23kg1x23kgChecked baggage 1x23kgY,1,23,BagChecked bag secondChecked bag secondChecked bag secondChecked bag secondChecked bag secondCarry on bagsTaking bags on boardCarry on board x1 bag max 21.5 x 15.5 x 9 inches (55 x 40 x 23 cm) plus x1 additional small item max 17 x 13 x 6 inches (44 x 33 x 16 cm).Carry on board x1 bag max 21.5 x 15.5 x 9 inches (55 x 40 x 23 cm) plus x1 additional small item max 17 x 13 x 6 inches (44 x 33 x 16 cm).Carry on bagsCarry bags125 percent miles earned125 percent miles earned125 percent miles earned125 percent miles earned125 percent miles earned125% mi eaPremium seatPremium seatPremium Seats.Premium seatPrem seat100 percent miles earned100 percent miles earned100 percent miles earned100 percent miles earned100 percent miles earned100% mi ea150 percent miles earned150 percent miles earned150 percent miles earned150 percent miles earned150 percent miles earned150% mi ea25 percent miles earned25 percent miles earned25 percent miles earned25 percent miles earned25 percent miles earned25% mi ear50 percent miles earned50 percent miles earned50 percent miles earned50 percent miles earned50 percent miles earned50% mi earReissue overrideAmending your reservationReissue override.Reissue override.Reissue overrideReissuesRefund overrideCancelling your reservationRefund overrideRefundsAdvance seat selectionPre select your preferred seatPlease note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the options to pre assign seats might be different.Advance seat selectionSeatingDinnerOn board cateringDinner served on board.Dinner served on board.DinnerDinnerInternet AccessStaying connected whilst in the airWiFi is available on board many Air Canada aircraft. Roll out as at 12 October 2020 is: - Boeing 777-300ER 19 out of 19 aircraft. - Boeing 777-200LR 6 out of 6 aircraft. - Airbus A330-300 5 out of 17 aircraft. - Boeing 787-9 29 out of 29 aircraft. - Boeing 787-8 7 out of 8 aircraft. - Boeing 767-300 ER 25 out of 25 aircraft. (taken from Air Canada website)WiFi is available on board many Air Canada aircraft. Roll out as at 12 October 2020 is: - Boeing 777-300ER 19 out of 19 aircraft. - Boeing 777-200LR 6 out of 6 aircraft. - Airbus A330-300 5 out of 17 aircraft. - Boeing 787-9 29 out of 29 aircraft. - Boeing 787-8 7 out of 8 aircraft. - Boeing 767-300 ER 25 out of 25 aircraft. (taken from Air Canada website)Internet AccessWiFiPrepaid loungeSomewhere quiet to work or relaxPrepaid loungeLoungePriority check inPriority check inPriority check inPrio CHKY,1,KG,23,BAGY,1,X,X,CY - W23,H40,L55,CMBKK NH TYO 1518.94YFA0WTOY AC YTO 4666.61YAVE96LT NUC6185.55END ROE34.7610.000.00VIEWTRIP.TRAVELPORT.COM/BAGGAGEPOLICY/NH2PBAGGAGE DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY BASED ON FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/ ONLINE CHECKIN/FORM OF PAYMENT/MILITARY/ETC.UPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCMUPTO50LB/23KG AND UPTO62LI/158LCM7KCHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCECHGS MAY APPLY IF BAGS EXCEED TTL WT ALLOWANCE1PCARRY ON HAND BAGGAGERATE USED IN EQU TOTAL IS BSR 1THB - 0.028363USDLAST DATE TO PURCHASE TICKET: 04JUL23TICKETING AGENCY 8R75DEFAULT PLATING CARRIER ACE-TKT REQUIREDTICKETING FEES MAY APPLYGFB10101ADT00 01YFA0WTOY 010001#GFB200010101NADTV300803NH0010000199A3#GFMCEU 008N03NH NH ADTYFA0WTOYGFB10101ADT00 02YAVE96LT 010002#GFB200010102NADTV3446CCJP0010001199#GFMCEU 446NCCJP AC ADTYAVE96LT