INDIGOINDIGOINDIGOAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZINDIGONACIL DBA AIR INDIANACIL DBA AIR INDIASKYWEST DBA UNITED EXPRESSAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZREPUBLIC AIRWAYS AS AMERICAN EAGLEQATAR AIRWAYSREPUBLIC AIRWAYS AS AMERICAN EAGLEREPUBLIC AIRWAYS AS AMERICAN 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EK X/DXB EK AMD 912.96ULSOSCA1 NUC912.96END ROE1.347263USD147.00USD147.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/BOM AF AMD M910.41LLX09NMZ NUC910.41END ROE1.3472630.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/BOM AF AMD M910.41LLX09NMZ NUC910.41END ROE1.3472630.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/BOM UK AMD M910.41LLX09NMZ NUC910.41END ROE1.3472630.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/BLR KL AMD Q YTOAMD5.56M1051.44KLX09NML NUC1057.00END ROE1.3472630.00100.00YTO EY X/AUH EY AMD 1218.76QLC1CA NUC1218.76END ROE1.347263USD73.00USD147.00YTO AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD275.00 1002.03KEOWYZAM NUC1277.03END ROE1.347263USD73.00USD205.00YTO AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD275.00 1002.03KEOWYZAM NUC1277.03END ROE1.347263USD73.00USD205.00YTO UA NYC Q74.22 465.38YNA0A1LT AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD250.00Q NYCDEL20.00 600.00GHOWJFAM NUC1409.60END ROE1.3472630.00USD280.00YTO UA NYC Q74.22 465.38YNA0A1LT AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD250.00Q NYCDEL20.00 600.00GHOWJFAM NUC1409.60END ROE1.3472630.00USD280.00YTO AC X/DEL Q74.22 AI AMD 1368.70MLX0RCEO NUC1442.92END ROE1.3472630.00USD220.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/BOM AI AMD M1193.87MLX09NML NUC1193.87END ROE1.3472630.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL KL AMD Q YTOAMD5.56M1505.61BNN01VMD NUC1511.17END ROE1.3472630.000.00YTO LH X/FRA LH X/DEL LH AMD 1589.89BFFEO NUC1589.89END ROE1.3472630.000.00YTO UA CHI Q74.22 519.57YNA0A1LT AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD250.00Q CHIDEL20.00 800.00VHOWORAM NUC1663.79END ROE1.3472630.00USD240.00YTO UA EWR Q74.22 472.06YNA0A1LT AI X/DEL AI AMD Q DELAMD250.00Q EWRDEL20.00 950.00QHOWEWAM NUC1766.28END ROE1.3472630.00USD240.00YTO AA X/NYC AA X/DOH QR AMD M1739.82Y1NFFQN5 NUC1739.82END ROE1.3472630.00YTO AA X/NYC QR X/DOH QR AMD 2541.00BKR5R1FI NUC2541.00END ROE1.00.000.00YTO QR X/NYC QR X/DOH QR AMD 2541.00BKR5R1FI NUC2541.00END ROE1.00.000.00YTO AC X/DEL AC AMD M3017.22YFFEO NUC3017.22END ROE1.3472630.000.00YTO AI X/DEL AI X/PNQ AI AMD M7422.45YIFOW NUC7422.45END ROE1.3472630.000.00Economy BasicEcoBasicUpgrade to Economy Basic fares which offer rebooking against a fee until 1 hour prior departureIncluded in your ECONOMY BASIC fare are: • Check in 2x23kg baggage allowance. • Carry on one bag max 8kg. • Choice of continental or Indian cuisine non veg or veg. • Complimentary liquors and wine. • Spacious seats with a pitch of 33 inches. • Rebooking against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Refunds against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Earn miles when you fly. Note: Refer to fare rules for specific booking terms and conditions. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Always good deals FlexEcoFlexEconomy Flex lets you choose your seats for free, and you can enjoy more baggage allowance and more flexibility to change your booking.Economy Flex includes: • Free seat selection and paid seat selection • Earn 0.7 Skywards Mile for every mile flown • 30kg baggage allowance • Cabin baggage 1 bag up to 7kg • Regional multicourse dining • Complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks • Up to 5,000 channels of entertainment • Free unlimited online chat messaging for Emirates Skywards Gold members • Buy great value Wi-Fi plans • Changes permitted for a fee • Refunds permitted for a fee Please refer to the terms and conditions of the fare • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service will vary.Includes rebooking or refunds against a fee, and seat reservation - Check in two bags. - Changes permitted against an additional fee. Refunds not permitted. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Flexibility and peace of mind FlexEcoFlexUpgrade to Economy Flex fares for free of charge rebooking or refundsIncluded in your ECONOMY FLEX fare are: **The option to no show against a fee within an hour of departure** • Check in 2x23kg baggage allowance. • Carry on one bag max 8kg. • Choice of continental or Indian cuisine non veg or veg. • Complimentary liquors and wine. • Spacious seats with a pitch of 33 inches. • Rebooking or refund free of charge (until 1 hour prior departure). Note: Refer to fare rules for specific booking terms and conditions. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.The fully flexible fare option - Check in one bag. - Changes permitted against an additional fee. Refunds not permitted.Our best value Cabin FlexibleMAINFLMain Cabin Flexible ChoiceYCEconomy ChoiceEconomy Choice Standard Plus1STDPLUS1Upgrade to Economy Standard Plus fares which include rebooking.Economy Standard Plus - Changeable ticket - Standard miles accrual - Cabin baggage - Checked bag - Meal • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Economy Standard Plus1 Standard5STANDARD5Upgrade to Economy Standard fares which include refunds against an additional feeEconomy Standard - Changeable ticket - Standard miles accrual - Cabin baggage - Checked bag - Meal • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above. The content on this screen is for information purposes only. Please validate brands and ancillaries at Fare Quote.Economy Standard5 FlexECOFLEXUpgrade to Flex to make changes and refunds without a feeEnjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. Full flexibility included to make changes or cancel your reservation free of charge when needed (subject to ticketing terms). · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in-flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Eco Flex ComfortECOMFORTBenefit from more Qmiles allowance, seat selection and penalty-free refunds and changes.Economy Comfort includes - Checked baggage 2 x 23kg - Carry on 7kg (1 piece) - 100% Qmiles accumulation - Standard seat selection - Refund to original form of payment (no charge) - Upgrade with Qmiles - Date change allowed • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Comfort Standard5STANDARD5Economy Standard includes - changeable ticket - choice of standard seat - standard miles accrual - cabin bag - checked bag - meal • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above. Fare rules apply.Economy Standard5 Fully RefundableECOREFEconomy Fully Refundable Benefits include: - Seat selection at booking, if seats are available - Eligible to change ticket. - Mileage accrual - Eligible to request a same-day change. - Carry on bag • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Fully Refundable