PIEDMONT AIRLINES AS AMERICAN EAGLEINDIGOINDIGOVISTARAAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZUNITED AIRLINES INCVISTARAAIR CANADAAIR CANADA EXPRESS - JAZZAIR CANADAAIR CANADA2gws-eJxNjksKwzAMRA8TZj9y3MTZ2TheBFp3k1KURe9/jMpxAxVIGvH0izE6upGjzPHfBnyGtKG+MlDhzNNjhZ+8BIhVCnK64V6eb9Vjw7XEUD1xz3I2llCCJZQlLx01g/aoh7G+maSgnUaTNoFLpN1kTevergmF3tHnH+QM+/ULJVksxg==2gws-eJxNjj0OwyAMhQ8Tvd2GUOiG5aRLWjqEDnTo/Y9RExQplsx78PmHnLMj58lzzNeY8JvWDeWjQIGzlNeCRHcisN0aiG4B23N/7yqMc4ihcuChfBSqVzbB6h9hoB5o42xfY2kOaTYlRl+Nbq0Dp5FqtshSVWpg4ujscSCKsJ/+AZeYK7Q=1gws-eJxNTssOwjAM+5jJ97gZLdxa7SEuFBBMUznw/5+xdGUSlhInchInxujEqShD/EeHb/d6Ii8DkOEs0m0E5RLOClpbICKKlTqk+5BwXDEp73Jj7oNTP3kjzJzZpAqUlssHQmrvQ71JVO9kvlIBHMUjWZnT+F5W0rz9yZauP1EC7N0Nb0os3w==1gws-eJxNjkkOwyAMRQ8T/f03KFB2oJKsEqqidEEXvf8xakIj1ZLH5ynGaGgsrfj4LxM+07OivO5AgVFNe0awxgeIZg2km1G2OlepD1xLFJUTDy9nYw7LTR1Wrm6gLmjDtreysZmkoJ9OCT3RGVxBOjQsKR+10QlFa+aH6KG/fgESGyx62gws-eJxNjrEOwyAMRD8mut2GhMAGKu1S8ERV0aH//xk1oEo5CZ+t5wNijIaMJctnvGrDd3sWyOsGCIyeVDP8GdiBdeogcgdKeVOQWvC/RJFMvJzn4oPvVg35yPtCQ+ir9o8y73fn1YkxnsZoNaEiz7tDatpKyo2bVCaelIInB43oT3+p+ywE2gws-eJxNjjsOwyAQRA9jTT8LsYEOFOIKqIgiUuT+x8hiFCkj7U9vfzFGQ2NpxcV/bfhs6UR73oEGo5ZqhndBDohWA+Sxo5QXQ6sFvyWK2oVXlKvxlIfVgLzn20JTGMuPt7K1maRgnsZMdUJFb4JD6pq2lLv0VoVyUQZPHRLop1+fTivo1gws-eJxNjssOwiAQRT+mufs7tFC7g1DYqJiYqsGF//8ZDsUmTjKvnDsP772hGTnK7P9twGcIEeURgQKjHq4rFncSC9GugnQWz8trusd0w7FEUdlxz7ILo81OEzIzO2qG2mN9K+ubSQra6XRGa3QGRxE2LUtYt+RURZGJyw9xhv76Bf9DLCM=1gws-eJxNTssOwyAM+5jKd4cWaG8gWk4bk6ZuEzvs/z9joazSIiV2ZOcRQjA0I0fx4T8GfIaYUB4JKDCa8bpicbNYiHYVpLN4Xl7TPW03nEtUKofcUQ5jstkpIDOzSy1Qe61vUMjZefVQ0E6jUZ3ASeKutMR135x6KDJx+Un00E+/nMErjA==2gws-eJxNTkEKwzAMe0zR3UqWprslOGOXNVDoDtlh/3/GnKaFCWzLyJadUnLivHjG9I8J3+nRUN8KVDiLvBYss4QFtK5BZA7YXkrNuCxMqIc4Ko8x9Uor0Ki3IXWgjdw+EJL3GG1GiH4YndoGLpJ3ozWXXfOzUBic2fIUJcI+/QGFRSud1gws-eJxNTssKgzAQ/BiZ+2xSY70lqKFQm9KilPTg/39GN0ahA7s7y8w+vPeGxtJK5//RYGvmG9I6AAlGIzxGCF1/tRBtM0jX4jV/7HuYnji3qJR2uVbZjUMbnRZERlapALnm/AWPzSQF5fZ6R2l0BicJi9IUxmVy6qLIhf0hsYM++wMwoCx51gws-eJxNTssOwjAM+5jJd6elHbu16rYLUARahcqB//+MpStIWMpLtpOEEAyNpZUx/GPAZygRuSQgw2jE2wyhn84WomMF6R0e15d9puWO3xal8kH3KocwudVrwcqVnWpA7bm+QRGhdaqhoN2OCeXSRnUpehM3bXOct8WrTj0nTl+KI/TdHY1HLPE=1gws-eJxNTtEKgzAM/Bi590udLXtrqRZB7WAoo3vY/3/GUutgB8klXHKJ997Q9OzF+X90+HQhIh8RyDAaYRsh4ugcRNsC0g6Y15d5xumBn4tK+ZQbyzkYh2SVkJjYpAqUlssbvJxJCurtdcax1Fa3FK0Iu5Y5jPtkdU53brxfEh303S9/BSzb1gws-eJxNTkEKwzAMe0zRXU7XhN0S0obBugxGy5Yd9v9n1GlamMG2jCTb3ntD07MX5/+jw6+bP8hrBDKMZniMEHF0DqJjAWkH3Oa3ecXpiXOLUnmnW5ddGIdktSExsVE1UFotX/DYTFJQb6931EE9OEFYFOYwLpNVlTouvB4UHfTZDTLDLIc=1gws-eJxNTtEKgzAM/Bi590udLXtrqRZhroOhjO5h//8ZS62CgSQX7i6J997Q9OzF+Wt0+HXLjLxFIMNohucIEUfnIDoWkHbAvHzMO04vnFuUyjvduuzCOCSrDYmJjaqB0mr5gsdmkoJ6e3ugDurBCcKqMIdxnayq1HHj/aDooM/+ASezLGc=1gws-eJxNTssOwyAM+5jKdwMrLTdQKdIkxi6tNHbY/3/GAnTSLCVO4ry895ra0KjF/2PCZ8ovlHMDCrRYeERo52Y6KEkrSDujprQ/8Vsh9dK1wap3bXa/CSGaaIbUgDp8fYPXWpIK7XC4oyUyI+BqFiIcEpYQj3TmrKi6SrfSQobk0y+oDCwnYTO AI X/DEL AI AMD 464.18LEOWYYZI NUC464.18END ROE1.357217USD89.00USD209.00YTO EK X/DXB EK AMD Q YTOAMD36.84 809.00KLSOSCA1 NUC845.84END ROE1.357217USD149.00USD149.00YTO AC X/YVR SQ X/SIN SQ AMD Q YVRSIN36.84 1097.83W13CAOCA NUC1134.67END ROE1.357217USD50.00USD200.00YTO AA X/PHL QR X/DOH QR AMD 932.79NLR5R1RO NUC932.79END ROE1.357217USD164.00USD238.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL KL AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M879.16LLW09NML NUC884.68END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL UK AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M879.16LLW09NML NUC884.68END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/DEL AF AMD M879.16LLW09NML NUC879.16END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/DEL UK AMD M879.16LLW09NML NUC879.16END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AC X/DXB EK AMD 968.15VLW4RCEO NUC968.15END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 968.15VLW4RCEO NUC1008.67END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 968.15VLW4RCEO NUC1008.67END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC X/DEL Q40.52 UK AMD 968.15VLW4RCEO NUC1008.67END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/EWR AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 968.15VLW4RCEO NUC1008.67END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO EY X/AUH Q5.00 EY AMD Q187.88Q YTOAMD36.84Q YTOAMD29.47 860.58QLC1CA NUC1119.77END ROE1.357217USD74.00USD149.00YTO LH X/FRA LH X/DEL UK AMD 1069.83QLW3RCEO NUC1069.83END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/EWR UA X/DEL Q40.52 UK AMD 1069.83QLW3RCEO NUC1110.35END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO AC X/MUC LH X/BOM UK AMD 1170.77HLW2RCEO NUC1170.77END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO LX X/ZRH LX X/BOM UK AMD 1170.77HLW2RCEO NUC1170.77END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO LH X/MUC LH X/BOM UK AMD 1170.77HLW2RCEO NUC1170.77END ROE1.3572170.00USD224.00YTO LX X/ZRH LX X/BOM AI AMD M2995.09YFFEO NUC2995.09END ROE1.3572170.000.00Economy Partially RefundableECOPARTREFEconomy Partially RefundableFlexFLFlex: - Check in one bag. - Changes permitted against an additional fee. Refunds not permitted.Our best valuehttps://cdn.travelport.com/aircanada/AC_general_medium_196741.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/aircanada/AC_general_large_82171.jpgEco StandardECOSTANDUpgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bag.Upgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bag.Enjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Eco Standardhttps://cdn.travelport.com/lufthansa/LH_general_large_29817.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/lufthansa/LH_general_medium_584.jpgEconomy ClassicECLASSICBenefit from more checked baggage allowance and more Q milesEconomy Classic includes - Checked baggage 2 x 23kg - Carry on 7kg (1 piece) - 50% Qmiles accumulation - Refund to original form of payment (chargeable) - Upgrade with Qmiles - 1 Date Change permitted, chargeable from 2nd Change • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Classichttps://cdn.travelport.com/qatar/QR_general_medium_193602.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/qatar/QR_general_medium_193602.jpgEconomy Standard5STANDARD5Economy Standard5Economy Standard5STANDARD5Economy Standard5Eco StandardECOSTANDUpgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bagEnjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight If the flight will be operated by another airline, then there maybe differences in the onboard product or service.Your ECONOMY STANDARD fare includes: · 1 piece checked baggage up to 23 kg in general (some exceptions exist with additional free allowance). · 1 piece of hand baggage up to 8 kg. · Food and beverages. · Miles. · Rebooking permitted for an additional fee. · Refund permitted for an additional fee. · Pre reserve your preferred seat in advance via the seat map.Your ECONOMY STANDARD fare includes: · 1 piece checked baggage up to 23 kg in general (some exceptions exist with additional free allowance). · 1 piece of hand baggage up to 8 kg. · Food and beverages. · Miles. · Rebooking permitted for an additional fee. · Refund permitted for an additional fee. · Pre reserve your preferred seat in advance via the seat map.Enjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight If the flight will be operated by another airline, then there maybe differences in the onboard product or service.Eco Standardhttps://cdn.travelport.com/swissinternationalairlines/LX_general_medium_2989.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/swissinternationalairlines/LX_general_large_88387.jpgEconomy BasicEcoBasicUpgrade to Economy Basic fares which offer rebooking against a fee until 1 hour prior departureIncluded in your ECONOMY BASIC fare are: • Check in 2x23kg baggage allowance. • Carry on one bag max 8kg. • Choice of continental or Indian cuisine non veg or veg. • Complimentary liquors and wine. • Spacious seats with a pitch of 33 inches. • Rebooking against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Refunds against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Earn miles when you fly. Note: Refer to fare rules for specific booking terms and conditions. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Always good dealshttps://cdn.travelport.com/airindia/AI_general_large_42653.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/airindia/AI_general_medium_2171.jpgEco FlexECOFLEXUpgrade to Flex to make changes and refunds without a feeFull flexibility included to make changes or cancel your reservation free of charge when needed. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in-flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight If the flight will be operated by another airline, then there maybe differences in the onboard product or service.Eco Flexhttps://cdn.travelport.com/swissinternationalairlines/LX_general_medium_2982.jpghttps://cdn.travelport.com/swissinternationalairlines/LX_general_large_37728.jpg