VISTARAREPUBLIC AIRLINES/UNITED EXPRESSUNITED AIRLINES INCVISTARAVISTARAAIR CANADAINDIGOINDIGOINDIGOINDIGOREPUBLIC AIRWAYS DBA UNITED EXPRESSREPUBLIC AIRWAYS AS AMERICAN EAGLEAMERICAN AIRLINESAIR CANADA2gws-eJxNjj0OgzAMhQ+D3v6cACVbopCBoekCqszQ+x+jDqFSLdl+1ue/GKOj8/Qyx38b8BnShnpkoMKZp+cKHzgRYpWCnCcc5fVWPTf0JS4YqhfuWa7GspTFEkrIoaNm0B71NNY3kxS002jSJvATaTdZ07q3a0Lh6DjmG/IB+/ULJessxQ==1gws-eJxNTkEOwyAMe0zlu0NXaG8gCpd1XNYd2GH/f8YCdNIiJU5kx4n33tDMnMX6/5jwmUJEeUWgwGiGxw5rZLUQnSpIu+A4kltLfGKYmE2p0umB0oVxyU4BmZmDaoE6an03r+5MUtBOpzvaoDv4NeHUtoT9TE5VFLlxuyg66K9f5pcr9Q==1gws-eJxNTrsOwyAM/Jjodts0QDYQCVPqJclAh/7/Z9SEVqol+8668yOlJCSOHPv0HxPeUy7QqwAKsczPFV44erB1DUR+xr5vIWo5MJbIYpLe8kC+jWWuwQCVKg2pB9qo7dV3eXHRkBj9NDq1CfxIPo1qXs8tmIeYH7R8JQqwTz+GzStn1gws-eJxNjrEOwyAMRD8mut2GgMMGImFqWUIHOvT/P6MmpFIt4TvrnYEYoyFjybKP/7Xgs6SM+spAhdGTnju82NWCdeog8g7tcchW84l5iQmK6oWn8hXMrogKChWaaBT67P2tTNgGp0qM8TSG1Q38TGpqa9rbIZoh5pXCjUigP/0Ciykrbw==1gws-eJxNTkEOwyAMe0zlu4EW1huIFk1ax2X0wA77/zMWoJMWKXEiO06895ra0Cjr/2PCZzruyGcEMrRkeG6wzswGSqYK0i4ox+5uOb4wTPQqVO70QNWFcUlOAImJg2qBOmp9N6/uTFKhnT4faIPs4NeEIm0OW9mdqKjUzPWi6CC/fgH5aywt2gws-eJxNTrsOwzAI/Jjo9sOW89hsOemSxh3iDu7Q//+M4qBKOQk4uBMQY3R0nl7GeMeA77DtKO8MFDiNdKyYuZAQ7RrIMWB/nq8zJ4EtcYtK5ZKtymXMPosWbP4RTOpAs9w+qtlmkoJ+Gp3qAH+SqtKS1ppTDUKZnNl7nqCf/gCVYCuq2gws-eJxNjjsOAyEMRA+zmt7mT8cqJE2AIiJSSJH7HyMGmh0Jj63nAVJKipQmzS5ddeB3PAva+wY0KDlnzfA6GA2WaYDIWbzKx8dWC/YlKgpqC2/ntfjguxZDttlsNIWx6/gK80ZHK06M+TRmKwkRBTYOZ5e2nblzb5WJF6UYyEEi8tM/rQosCA==2gws-eJxNjjsOAyEMRA+zmt7mTwcKSbNAxUohRe5/jHihyUh4sJ4HnFJSpDRpdulfB77HWdGvB9Ch5ORW4HUwGizdBJGzGPXtY28V+xEVBfWFt/MafPFTi6HYYja6hbnr/AjzRkcrToz76+vE3UhGRIGNQx5y7bkMHr0x8aIUAzlISHb9ARIqLKo=2gws-eJxNjjkOAyEMRQ8z+r0NMywdKGSqwUVEpJAi9z9GDDTzJW963lJKhowlyy7dteG35RPyfgACo5Zrgbdht2CtOojcgdf18VHqhbXEREUy8Yo8G09+Wg0oR9kXGkJfvn+Vrc1ExBinMVKdUFEw0SM3TSWXxk0qE09KMZCDjuinf6JdK+w=2gws-eJxNjjkOAyEMRQ8z+r0NMywdKGSaDK4YKaTI/Y8RA02+5E3PW0rJkLFk2aV/bfhu+YTcD0Bg1HIt8DbsFqxVB5E70K63j1IvrCUmKpKJV+TZePLTakA5yr7QEPry/aNsbSYixjh9vzAKnVFRMNEjN00ll8ZNKhNPSjGQgw7prz8HVyyO1gws-eJxNjj0OwzAIhQ8TvR1wbZrNlhMvbb0kGdyh9z9GiZ1KRYIH+viLMQqJI8ch/tuEz3Qk1CMDFWKeXgtUPDHYqgai4LE9V73XvGEskdlQ7Xgo98bsi5qgUKGBTkMbsb2NafDemdr6fvqBs7AZ/JK0W1rTsq9qXcR8o/lCpLBfv/ZBLCs=2gws-eJxNjsEOAiEMRD9mM/e2CLveaIrxoiQm6wEP/v9nWLaa2ITONK8M1FqFJFHiUv9rwXu5DPSnAR3iR+8NW6G8gX0aICoZj5uxKSJCzg76AUP5WLNk7AJb7RRoFkb08XIWuUTEmA9jWr+Bn9Hdbde2m14bE2fxWP5CWuE//QCGTCug1gws-eJxNjsEOAiEMRD9mM/eWjSg3iLgnFyOuJnjw/z/DgWqyTWinfc3QGKMTN8usPu5jwme6V5TnGShwfGnNCCoiUHYNVIrXtR6qPm4wExeIysBWdSzmcDmxYJHFG+qBZrm9ycx5ePavU0JvOMJfpI2ypLzVJp57nLkfkiN46xcBDSxS1gws-eJxNjssOwiAQRT+mufs71ELZQWjZWNnYRnHh/3+GQ9HESeaVc+cRQjA0I0ex4d8GvIftiXIkoMCox9uC2VjrIdpVkHbCY1vdXNIdfYnxisqJe5ZTmKbsNCEzs6NmqD3Wl7K+maSgnT6uaI3O4FfEXcsSl311qqLIhf6L6KC/fgAM4CxgYTO AI X/DEL AI AMD 390.50UEOWYYZI NUC390.50END ROE1.357217USD89.00USD209.00YTO AC X/DXB EK AMD 621.86LLE78NCS NUC621.86END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00YTO AC X/YMQ AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 621.86LLE78NCS NUC662.38END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00YTO AC X/EWR AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 621.86LLE78NCS NUC662.38END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00YTO AC X/DEL Q40.52 AC AMD 673.43TLE78NCS NUC713.95END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00YTO LH X/FRA LH X/BOM UK AMD 673.43TLE78NCS NUC673.43END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00YTO EK X/DXB EK AMD 809.00KLSOSCA1 NUC809.00END ROE1.357217USD149.00USD149.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL KL AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43RLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/BLR KL AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43RLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL UK AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43TLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/DEL UK AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43TLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/BOM UK AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43RLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO KL X/AMS KL X/BOM UK AMD Q YTOAMD5.52M738.43RLX79NML NUC743.95END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/DEL AF AMD M738.43RLX79NML NUC738.43END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/DEL UK AMD M738.43TLX79NML NUC738.43END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO AF X/PAR AF X/DEL AF AMD M738.43RLX79NML NUC738.43END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO UA X/EWR UA X/DEL Q40.52 UK AMD 725.01SLE78NCS NUC765.53END ROE1.3572170.00100.00YTO EY X/AUH EY AMD 860.58QLC1CA NUC860.58END ROE1.357217USD74.00USD149.00YTO AA X/NYC QR X/DOH QR AMD 910.00VLR5R1SO NUC910.00END ROE1.0USD82.00USD119.00YTO LX X/ZRH LX X/DEL UK AMD 826.69WLE78NCS NUC826.69END ROE1.357217USD112.00100.00EconomyECONOMYEconomyStandardTGStandard: - Check in one bag. - Changes permitted against an additional fee. Refunds not permitted.Includes a checked bag and advance seat selection StandardECOSTANDUpgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bag.Upgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bag.Enjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight *Please refer to fare rules for full conditions • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Eco Standard Standard5STANDARD5Economy Standard5Economy Standard5STANDARD5Economy Standard5Eco StandardECOSTANDUpgrade to Economy Standard to check in a bagEnjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight If the flight will be operated by another airline, then there maybe differences in the onboard product or service.Your ECONOMY STANDARD fare includes: · 1 piece checked baggage up to 23 kg in general (some exceptions exist with additional free allowance). · 1 piece of hand baggage up to 8 kg. · Food and beverages. · Miles. · Rebooking permitted for an additional fee. · Refund permitted for an additional fee. · Pre reserve your preferred seat in advance via the seat map.Your ECONOMY STANDARD fare includes: · 1 piece checked baggage up to 23 kg in general (some exceptions exist with additional free allowance). · 1 piece of hand baggage up to 8 kg. · Food and beverages. · Miles. · Rebooking permitted for an additional fee. · Refund permitted for an additional fee. · Pre reserve your preferred seat in advance via the seat map.Enjoy comfortable seating in Lufthansa long-haul Economy Class, coupled with great fares. · 1 piece checked luggage up to 23 kg · 1 carry-on bag · Complimentary snacks and drinks to suit the flight time · Extensive programme of in flight entertainment · Lufthansa FlyNet® WiFi for a small fee · Collect miles for every flight If the flight will be operated by another airline, then there maybe differences in the onboard product or service.Eco Standard BasicEcoBasicUpgrade to Economy Basic fares which offer rebooking against a fee until 1 hour prior departureIncluded in your ECONOMY BASIC fare are: • Check in 2x23kg baggage allowance. • Carry on one bag max 8kg. • Choice of continental or Indian cuisine non veg or veg. • Complimentary liquors and wine. • Spacious seats with a pitch of 33 inches. • Rebooking against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Refunds against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Earn miles when you fly. Note: Refer to fare rules for specific booking terms and conditions. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Always good deals ConvenienceECONVENIENBenefit from more Qmiles allowance and seat selectionEconomy Convenience includes - Checked baggage 2 x 23kg - Carry on 7kg (1 piece) - 75% Qmiles accumulation - Standard seat selection - Refund to original form of payment (chargeable) - Upgrade with Qmiles -2 Date Change permitted, chargeable from 3rd Change • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the on-board product or service maybe different to that described above.Economy Convenience