THAI AIRWAYS INTLTHAI AIRWAYS INTLTHAI AIRWAYS INTLTHAI VIETJET AIRTHAI VIETJET AIRSINGAPORE AIRLINESTHAI VIETJET AIRVIETJET AVIATIONTHAI AIRWAYS INTLTHAI AIRWAYS INTLTHAI AIRWAYS 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QH SGN 4.29AEOOWM QH SIN 5.00AEOOWV NUC9.29END ROE34.9573USD30.00USD51.00BKK 3K SIN 40.67CLOW NUC40.67END ROE34.9573100.00BKK 3K SIN 40.67CLOW NUC40.67END ROE34.9573100.00BKK VN SGN 22.31TOXAS VN SIN 28.00TOXVN NUC50.31END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD50.00BKK VN SGN 22.31TOXAS VN SIN 28.00TOXVN NUC50.31END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD50.00BKK WE SIN 107.84W1YYOWW NUC107.84END ROE34.9573USD45.00100.00BKK WE SIN 107.84W1YYOWW NUC107.84END ROE34.9573USD45.00100.00BKK WE SIN 107.84W1YYOWW NUC107.84END ROE34.9573USD45.00100.00BKK H1 SIN 87.24KOWVZ NUC87.24END ROE34.9573USD97.00100.00BKK H1 SIN 87.24KOWVZ NUC87.24END ROE34.9573USD97.00100.00BKK TR SIN 107.98M2TR24 NUC107.98END ROE34.9573USD85.00100.00BKK TR SIN 107.98M2TR24 NUC107.98END ROE34.9573USD85.00100.00BKK TG SIN 86.39VOWOFX NUC86.39END ROE34.95730.00USD91.00BKK TG SIN 86.39VOWOFX NUC86.39END ROE34.95730.00USD91.00BKK TG SIN 86.39VOWOFX NUC86.39END ROE34.95730.00USD91.00BKK CX SIN 105.98NR21THAO NUC105.98END ROE34.9573USD76.00USD121.00BKK MH X/KUL MH SIN Q BKKSIN10.00 141.02QBXOWTH NUC151.02END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD75.00BKK MH X/KUL MH SIN Q BKKSIN10.00 141.02QBXOWTH NUC151.02END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD75.00BKK AI SIN 128.29WOWSQCS NUC128.29END ROE34.95730.00USD94.00BKK TR SIN 146.75Y2TR24 NUC146.75END ROE34.9573USD85.00100.00BKK TR SIN 146.75Y2TR24 NUC146.75END ROE34.9573USD85.00100.00BKK VN SGN Q30.00 79.52HOXAS QH SIN 5.00AEOOWV NUC114.52END ROE34.9573USD30.00USD40.00BKK PR X/MNL PR SIN 113.99KL3R2BSO NUC113.99END ROE34.9573USD50.00100.00BKK MH X/KUL MH PEN Q BKKPEN10.00 134.10QFLOWTH 3K SIN 22.31CLOW NUC166.41END ROE34.9573100.00BKK H1 DAD 64.36KOWVZ H1 SIN 74.00KOWVJ NUC138.36END ROE34.9573USD97.00100.00BKK VN HAN 52.92QOXAS VN SIN 80.00QOXVN NUC132.92END ROE34.9573USD20.00USD20.00BKK VN HAN 52.92QOXAS VN SIN 80.00QOXVN NUC132.92END ROE34.9573USD20.00USD20.00BKK QH SGN 4.29AEOOWM VN SIN Q30.00 130.00SOXVN NUC164.29END ROE34.9573USD27.00USD51.00BKK QH SGN 4.29AEOOWM VN SIN Q30.00 130.00SOXVN NUC164.29END ROE34.9573USD27.00USD51.00BKK SQ SIN 200.50Q15THOPO NUC200.50END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD150.00BKK SQ SIN 200.50Q15THOPO NUC200.50END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD150.00BKK SQ SIN 200.50Q15THOPO NUC200.50END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD150.00BKK SQ SIN 200.50Q15THOPO NUC200.50END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD150.00BKK SQ SIN 200.50Q15THOPO NUC200.50END ROE34.9573USD50.00USD150.00BKK PG SIN Q10.00 200.24HOQNWW NUC210.24END ROE34.95730.00100.00BKK PG SIN Q10.00 200.24HOQNWW NUC210.24END ROE34.95730.00100.00BKK PG SIN Q10.00 200.24HOQNWW NUC210.24END ROE34.95730.00100.00BKK PG USM Q10.00 107.27QNWW PG SIN Q10.00 111.56GONWW NUC238.83END ROE34.9573USD30.00100.00BKK BR X/TPE BR SIN 304.65Y1OTH NUC304.65END ROE34.9573100.00USD30.00BKK GF SIN 400.48YBLIT3TH NUC400.48END ROE34.9573USD65.00USD125.00Economy BasicEcoBasicUpgrade to Economy Basic fares which offer rebooking against a fee until 1 hour prior departureIncluded in your ECONOMY BASIC fare are: • Check in 30kg baggage allowance (baggage allowance may differ by city, refer to ticketing rules) • Carry on one bag max 8kg. • Choice of continental or Indian cuisine non veg or veg. • Complimentary liquors and wine. • Spacious seats with a pitch of 33 inches. • Rebooking against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Refunds against a fee until 1hr prior departure. • Earn miles when you fly. Note: Refer to fare rules for specific booking terms and conditions. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Always good deals LiteELEconomy LiteEconomy ClassicECEconomy ClassicEconomy FlexEFEconomy FlexVietJet Air EconomyEconomyVietJetAir is the first private airline and low-cost-carrier that operates domestic and international flights from Vietnam. It serves economic and touristic destinations, such as Bangkok, Buon Ma Thuot, Da Nang, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Qui Nhon, Seoul and Singapore. VietJetAir has an all Airbus A320 fleet. Each aircraft has a seating capacity of 180 passengers. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.VietJet Air Economy Class service SaverEconomyBook onto Economy Saver for more ticketing flexibility and more Mabuhay Miles creditECONOMY SAVER fare includes: - 25kg baggage allowance - One piece of 7 kg hand carry - Inflight hot meals - 50% Mabuhay Miles credit - Rebooking allowed with fee - No show fee applies - Refundable with fee for totally unused tickets; Non-refundable for partially used tickets • Please note that products and services may vary according to aircraft configuration. Aircraft type may also be subject to last minute change. • If the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above.Book onto Economy Saver for more ticketing flexibility and more Mabuhay Miles credit LightECONLIGHTEconomy LightSAVERSAVERBook onto a higher class for more ticketing flexibiltySAVER - Best value in best price *Free baggage allowance; Domestic 20 kg and International 30 kg. *Changeable until 4 hrs before departure with fee; Domestic 500THB and International 1,500 THB *Non-Refundable *Meal is included *Free Seat Selection up to 4 hrs before departure * Due to differences in aircraft configurations, some variations exist in cabin amenities. * Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service may be different to that described above.Book onto a higher class for more ticketing flexibilty comfort and convenience, choose Economy Basic.Travel in the comfort and convenience of Economy Basic while being served by an award-winning cabin crew that is the epitome of Malaysian Hospitality. - Cabin Baggage 7kg - Check-in Baggage 20kg - Complimentary snacks/meals & beverages - Seat upgrade with Enrich Miles - No free seat selection (chargeable) - No flexibility to board earlier on day of travel - 10% Child Discount - Rebooking: 1x Free change fee (fare difference applies) - Refund not available • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, the onboard product or service may be different to that described above.Sit back and relax in the cosiest Economy Class seats. Economy Class that meets the needs of all travellers in a single fare.Get used to priority privileges, better flexibility, travel protection and more baggage allowance in the Economy Class that makes you a priority. - Cabin Baggage 7kg - Check-in Baggage 35kg - Complimentary snacks/meals & beverages - Seat upgrade with Enrich Miles - Free seat selection - Priority check-in, baggage and boarding - Flexibility to board earlier on day of travel (subject to availability) - 15% Child Discount - Rebooking: Unlimited free change (fare difference applies) - Refund without a fee • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline, the onboard product or service may be different to that described above.Enjoy more flexibility and privileges with Economy Flex. UpEcoUpEconomy Up fare includes: - Max 35kg checked baggage allowance - 1pc x 7kg hand-carry allowance - Complimentary standard seats and preferred seats selection* - No change fee - Refund and no-show permitted at a fee - 100% Infinity MileageLands Miles accrual - Upgrade with miles allowed *Please visit EVA website - Member New Benefits ( section to find out more details. • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above. • Photo might vary depends on aircraft. Please refer to for the introduction. Subject to change without prior notice.The fully flexible Economy Class fare InternationalPROMO INTLEnjoy our Boutique service - Promotion Fare Description : Economy Restricted Non Refund Included: - Boutique Lounge Access - 20 Kg Checked Baggage - Meal / Beverage - Pre-Reserved Seat Assignment - FlyerBonus Point Accrual At Charge: - Upgrade Eligibility - Change Before/ After Departure • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Great promotional deals ClassicECEconomy ClassicPromotion DomesticPROMO DOMEnjoy our Boutique service - Promotion Fare Description : Economy Restricted Non Refund Included: - Boutique Lounge Access - 20 Kg Checked Baggage - Meal / Beverage - Pre-Reserved Seat Assignment - FlyerBonus Point Accrual At Charge: - Upgrade Eligibility - Change Before/ After Departure • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Great promotional deals LightECOLITEECONOMY LIGHT - our most restrictive fare. • Highest charges for changes, cancellations or refunds • First checked bag included • Additional fees for advance seat selection Choose our SMART fare for more flexibility, a free second checked bag and free standard seat selection. * Cabin interior and features may not be exactly as shown * Please refer to detailed fare rules for more information * Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service may be different to that described aboveEconomy Light ValueYCLVALUEBook into ECONOMY VALUE for refundable fare.ECONOMY VALUE FARE includes: - 25kg check-in baggage - Seat Selection is subjected to a fee - Earn 50% KrisFlyer miles - Upgrade with KrisFlyer miles not allowed - Complimentary changes to your booking (terms & conditions apply) - Refunds will be subjected to a fee (terms & conditions apply) *Fare offering may differ on codeshare flight bookingsEconomy Value LiteELEconomy LitePromotion InternationalPROMO INTLEnjoy our Boutique service - Promotion Fare Description : Economy Restricted Non Refund Included: - Boutique Lounge Access - 20 Kg Checked Baggage - Meal / Beverage - Pre-Reserved Seat Assignment - FlyerBonus Point Accrual At Charge: - Upgrade Eligibility - Change Before/ After Departure • Please note that if the flight is operated by another airline then the onboard product or service maybe different to that described above.Great promotional deals SaverEconomy SaBamboo Economy with different groups suitable for passengers who want to maximize cost savings, and still can receive complimentary servicesBamboo Economy's benefits include: Seat Selection 1 x 7kg of carry-on luggage 20kg of free checked baggage Meals & complimentary drinks On-board power supply for laptop or other device and a USB port Flexibility to change Travel date/ Itinerary/ Name. Note: Type and size of seat and its available features may vary depending on the flight route, time and aircraft *Please contact with Bamboo Airways Booking Center for more detailsEconomy Saver